Postdoctoral position in multi-messenger astrophysics
November 2023
There is an opportunity for a 2-year postdoctoral position at the Institute of Astrophysics at Andres Bello University, in Santiago, Chile. The expected starting date is the fall of 2024 (negotiable).
The successful candidate will work with Prof. Macarena Lagos on using multi-messenger observations (combination of gravitational waves and electromagentic observations) to test gravity. There will be plenty of freedom to also pursue their own research topics.
Interested candidates should send a CV with a publication list, a research statement (maximum 3 pages), and the contact information for 3 reference letters. Please email the application, and any questions, to Applications received by Dec 31, 2023 will get full consideration.
The Institute of Astrophysics at Andres Bello University is a vibrant place with over 10 faculty members, working on stellar evolution, gravitational lensing, and galaxy formation, among other topics. The institute is also committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, and we encourage applications from minorities.
Unveiling nonlinearities in gravitational wave ringdown
February 2023
Columbia Professor Lam Hui and Post-Doc Macarena Lagos and research collaborators from Cal-Tech and the University of Mississippi have been recognized for their recent development of a new model for understanding the structure of merging black holes, by studying the waves that emit when they collide.
For more on this incredible work please visit: